Change custom cost to another branch that don’t have custom cost
1. Get the item list from the location with custom cost (Item Code, Name, Custom Cost)
2. Make sure the Show Location Price are selected
3. Export the item list in Excel
4. The file needs to be in CSV format to import in price modifier, so you need to change the format by Save As the excel file to be CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
5. Make sure the file in CSV format (Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File) you can verify it as shown below
6. Go to Price Modifier, click on Functions and choose import Item List
7. Select only Custom Cost in Price to update dropdown list
8. Click confirm > Confirm Settings
9. Make sure you check only for Change Location Price under Price Setting
10. Add Branch to which branch that you need to update the custom cost and click Apply. The selected branch will be shown on the Confirm Settings screen.
11. Select Apply on Confirm Settings
12. Go to the selected branch and verify the custom cost to make sure the changes reflected correctly